As of 8/15/2021
Superior is providing this checklist as a GUIDE to the NC state requirements and we have done our best to ensure it’s accurate as of the date noted above, based on the UST Forms website provided from NC DEQ. The owner of the tanks / facility is ultimately responsible to ensure they are following all appropriate state laws and regulations and as such, Superior Services will not be held responsible for inaccuracies or missing items in the below checklist.
Weekly Inspections
- Manual tank gauging – UST 16
- Required when doing SIR (statistical inventory recording) for leak detection
Monthly Inspections
- Spill bucket visual inspection – UST-27
- Leak detection inspection – UST-27
Every 60 days inspections
- Impressed current rectifier operation log – UST-21
- NOTE: Required only if you have an impressed current CP system installed
Annual Inpections (every year)
- Interstitial Sensors – UST-22B page 1
- Automatic Tank Gauges – UST-22B page 2
- Spill Bucket Visual Gauges – UST-22B page 2
- Leak detectors (Electronic OR Manual) – UST-22B page 3
- If you have suction piping installed prior to 11/1/2007 and had the appropriate vendor to submit form UST-19 to the state documenting that, then you do not need line leak detectors (and thus don’t need the testing).
- All suction piping installed after 11/1/2007 is not exempt from leak detection and must have secondary containment monitoring and have a tightness test conducted on the primary and secondary piping every three years if the piping is monitored by sump sensors.
- Lines – no specific form provided
- If you have ELLD performing annual 0.1 or monthly 0.2 GPM leak tests, you do not need to test lines
- If you are using SIR (statistical inventory recording) for leak detection, you are also not required to test lines
- Visual Sump – UST-22C page 1
- Visual Dispensers – UST-22C page 2
Triennial Inspections (every 3 years)
- Overfill prevention – UST-22A
- Spill Bucket Integrity – UST-23A page 1
- Pages 2 and 3 are for different test methods, which Superior does not perform
- Containment Sump – UST-23B
- Testing is not required if the containment sump is double-walled and the integrity of both walls is periodically monitored and documented at the same frequency of walkthrough inspections described in 40 CFR 280.36 for containment sumps installed prior to 11/1/2007. For double wall containment sumps installed on or after 11/1/2007, integrity testing is not required if the interstice is monitored monthly by pressure, vacuum, or hydrostatic methods.
- NOTE: In March 2020, the EPA says visual inspection does NOT suffice for containment sumps used for monitoring interstitial piping, as per the 40 CFR 280.35 standard: So the owner may be better off to have the containment sump tested anyway.
- UST Piping Integrity – UST-23C
- This form must be used to document pipe integrity testing (for piping not monitored continuously for releases using vacuum, pressure, or hydrostatic methods) for UST systems installed on or after November 1, 2007 (this includes existing UST systems that have installed or replaced the piping on or after November 1, 2007) or for any existing UST system conducting interstitial monitoring of the piping regardless of installation date prior to returning to service from temporary closure.
- Tank Tightness Test – UST-23D
- Tanks that are not monitored continuously for releases using vacuum, pressure, or hydrostatic methods must be tightness tested at installation, between 6 and 12 months from installation, and every three years following installation.
- If the tank fails a tightness test, it must be replaced or repaired by the manufacturer or the manufacturer’s authorized representative in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. Following any repair, the tank must be re-tested for tightness.
- This test only applies to double-walled steel tanks installed on/after 11/1/2007
- Cathodic Protection –
- Required for all single-walled steel UST and single-walled underground steel piping
- If you have galvanic CP system – UST-7A
- If you have impressed current CP system – UST-7B
- Training requirements
- Forms for installation, ownership changes, temp closure, permanent closure, reporting potential releases, other one-time events, or additional requirements after a notice of violation NOV is filed
It’s a little confusing – if you still have questions, give us a call and we will be glad to help get you some answers.